Using the memory effect of piglets to reduce stress and to increase performance during the fattening phase
Changing the feed over several phases is a challenge for feed intake. Using the same flavour in the feeding of piglets and fattening pigs is a useful and practical way to stimulate feed intake and better overcome stressful situations. Two acceptance trials investigated the benefits of using a berry multi-fruit flavour with vanilla notes.
Piglets experience a lot of stress during the weaning period and at the beginning of the fattening phase. They are separated from the sow and their litter mates, mixed with other unknown piglets, housed in a new environment and fed a different diet.
Using flavours in the feed helps to keep feed intake at a constant level and thus avoid performance drops. Flavours play an important role in pigs’ recognition of a valuable feed. These positive associations can persist over long periods of time.
While piglets prefer milky and vanilla-accented flavours, older pigs favour fruity flavours. The combination of vanilla and fruit flavours could therefore generate a common interest for different feeds across ages in piglets and young fattening pigs.
This was investigated in two consecutive acceptance trials at the University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrück (Germany).