Antioxidants – the front-line defenders
Antioxidants react with atmospheric oxygen, and delay or inhibit the oxidative degradation of sensitive molecules. They are particularly important in the production of feed rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) as these lipids are highly susceptible to lipid peroxidation.
Adding Loxidan - Kaesler’s range of antioxidants - successfully extends the shelf life of animal feeds and fats, thanks to the ability to prevent lipid peroxidation and oxidative rancidity during the production, processing and storage of animal feed.
Why antioxidants are so important
Free radicals, i.e. highly reactive and unstable molecules containing unpaired electrons, result from influences such as light, temperature or metal ions. These free radicals start off chain reactions that ultimately cause damage.
Peroxyl radicals are formed from the reaction with oxygen, and then transform further lipid molecules into radicals. Antioxidants are able to stop this reaction by reacting with the radicals to form unreactive degradation products.
Loxidan – Kaesler’s superhero
With Loxidan, Kaesler offers you a wide range of individual antioxidants and blends with synergistic effects to achieve maximum potential in preventing oxidative damage. Suitable for all applications.
Discover the antioxidants for your industry
Analytical services to support you in the development of safe, high-quality feed and pet food products.
Need assistance?
For further information or if you need help in finding the right product or solution, please contact us.