Vitamins for the optimal nutrition of livestock animals
Vitamins are organic substances that are essential for the normal metabolic processes of animals. They are needed in very small amounts and are classified as micronutrients. Vitamins are essential for maintaining health and performance and must be supplied with the feed. In most cases, the animal organism is not able to synthesise vitamins itself.

Achieve great effects with the smallest amounts
An undersupply or complete lack of one or more vitamins can lead to a variety of metabolic disorders. Performance losses, growth retardation, fertility problems or diseases and possibly death can be the result.
With an optimal, balanced vitamin supplementation you ensure the full performance and health of your animals. In addition, an increased intake of certain vitamins can have positive effects on health. You can achieve great effects with the smallest amounts.
Fat-soluble vitamins
Cuxavit A
Cuxavit D3
Cuxavit E
Cuxavit K3
Water-soluble vitamins
Cuxavit B1
Cuxavit B12
Cuxavit B2
Cuxavit B6
Cuxavit Biotin
Cuxavit C
Cuxavit Calpan
Cuxavit Dexpanthenol
Cuxavit Folic Acid
Cuxavit Nicotinamide and Cuxavit Nicotinic Acid

Quality and Trust
The Quality and Trust programme ensures a high-quality in our feed additives.

Need assistance?
For further information or if you need help in finding the right product or solution, please contact us.