Effect of Lovit Cool on the performance of laying hens during heat stress
High temperatures often reduce performance of poultry production. In this trial, the effect of Lovit Cool on the performance and wellbeing of laying hens was tested.
Heat stress is a common issue in poultry production and is one of the main causes of death. Poultry subjected to heat stress spend less time feeding and moving, but more time drinking, panting and resting. Increased panting leads to increased carbon dioxide levels and higher blood pH (alkalosis), which reduces the availability of blood bicarbonate and calcium for eggshell mineralisation. In laying hens, heat stress has severe consequences on laying performance, causing a reduction of egg production, egg weight, eggshell thickness and eggshell weight. At cellular level, heat stress leads to cell and tissue damage through oxidative stress.
Different approaches can be used to neutralise the negative consequences of heat stress in laying hens. Supplementation of antioxidants and electrolytes reduces the oxidative damage from heat stress and the danger of alkalosis. The development of Lovit Cool containing vitamin C and electrolytes as well as trace elements followed this approach.
To verify the effect of this product on the performance and vitality of laying hens, a the following trial was conducted at the Free University of Berlin, Germany.